Using sophisticated thermal imaging CCTV cameras from one of the worlds largest manufacture's of CCTV
(Dahua) Phoenix were able to protect both harsh external environment's and internal sheds from the threat of
fire. Using IP rated PoE dual lens thermal cameras the site team can monitor the situation during operational
hours. When the site is closed the monitoring of the site switches to Phoenix Eyes state of the remote video
response center.
The thermal imaging cameras eternally don't just provide fire detection, they also can detect body heat at
distances up to 750m. On detection of an intruder Phoenix Eye operators can quickly assess the situation
and set off live audio public address, call the police and even dispatch one of their mobile response officers.
The site poses a serious health and safety risk to trespasser's with deep ravines and flooded pits so the
systems can also detect heat signatures of any kind preventing including humans thus deterring and
preventing the worst possible outcomes.